| | Art.Nr. 20.106.145

Type Manufacturer plate, 4, 437, 1306, 1351, 2142, 02860, 3056-4, 3201, 3325, 3330, 57200-1, 65340, 108831, 108840, 112010, 122800, 123000, 123050, 123831, 125800, 126050, 126700, 126800, 143700, 143810, 144700, 144810, 158832, 158900, 167000, 212050, 212100, 217000, 218810, 222000, 262801, 365000, 400670, 423010, 701600, 960230, 960311, 960371, 960384, 960440, 960444, 960446, 960447, 960565, 960604, 960646, 961321
● M16x40-SK-8.8
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